
Organizations spent and invest enormous amounts in devices protecting their network, procedurs/policies but not enough in testing their network security against cyber attacks. Make sure your network is properly protected against internal and external attacks by doing penetration testing.

Find and stop advanced attacks for your business.

One of the big reasons penetration tests are crucial to a company security environment is that they show you how to handle any type of cyberattack from a malicious entity. Because of this you can examine whether your security policies are effective. You can have the most expensive firewall in place, but if it’s not setup properly you are vulnerable to the easiest cyber attack.

Black box Testing

During a black box penetration test (also known as external penetration testing) the pentester has little to no information of the IT setup of an organization. With this method you can simulate a real-world cyber attack, where the pentester acts like a malicious entity.

White box Testing

With white box penetration testing the pentester has full knowledge and access to IT setup of an organization. The goal here is to conduct an in-depth security audit of a business’s systems. With this method the tests are more thorough.

Grey box Testing

With a grey box testing the pentester has some information about your network or access to a part of your internal network or a specific web application. The pentester may begin with user privileges on a device and than needs to escalate its privileges to a domain admin. 

Network Enumeration

During this phase, testers will gather information about the network, including any hosts or connected devices. Essentially, the testing starts out by attempting to gain an overall view of the network and what it consists of.

Vulnerability Assessment

The vulnerability assessment involves a variety of tests designed to look at common and uncommon breach points. This is when the tester comes up with one or more parts of the network to attempt to “penetrate” and exploit.



After the tester understands the parts of the network and finds potential vulnerabilities, he or she will then attempt to exploit those vulnerabilities. To put this into layman’s terms, the tester will attempt to “hack” the network despite security protocols, passwords, firewalls, and more.

Reporting & Repair

This phase of penetration testing wraps up the results of the exploitation and provides a detailed look at vulnerabilities. Penetration testers will provide recommendations for resolving these vulnerabilities and preventing future exploitations.

Full scope security Testing

Our team consists of all necessary skills and proven toolkit to pentest your network.

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